
2024-05-02 13:00 JST
cumulative Magnitude = 6.61
stop / average = 1.81
stop interval = 4 days, 11:30:09
limit date = 2024-04-30 12:46
latest earthquake = 102 km S of Banjar, Indonesia M6.1


earthquake sismo 地震 lindol gempabumi terremoto deprem भूकम्प
2024-05-02 13:00 JST

<< M5 >>
2024-05-02 11:16 M5.1 -13.5455,-72.4745
2024-05-02 08:45 M5.9 -5.8008,151.0370
2024-05-02 06:53 M5.0 -18.7458,169.2589
2024-05-01 16:12 M5.0 -62.2199,-56.2723
2024-05-01 10:24 M5.0 -21.4553,-69.0143
2024-05-01 02:51 M5.1 13.7728,-58.4088
2024-04-30 23:30 M5.5 -55.7382,-27.0225
2024-04-30 22:52 M5.3 2.3081,126.7684
2024-04-30 20:24 M5.4 -24.9769,179.8991
2024-04-30 16:28 M5.1 -20.3540,-173.2760
cM = 4.91
s/a = 0.36
stp = 1:43:50
avg = 4:45:20
limit = 2024-05-02 16:01
lq = 27 km WNW of Chinchaypujio, Peru M5.1

<< M6 >>
2024-04-28 01:29 M6.1 -8.1104,107.2723
2024-04-27 17:35 M6.5 27.8256,139.5702
2024-04-27 07:23 M6.0 -37.0539,78.1683
2024-04-23 03:32 M6.0 23.8672,121.5385
2024-04-23 03:26 M6.1 23.7241,121.6406
2024-04-17 23:14 M6.3 33.1621,132.3871
2024-04-15 05:56 M6.5 -5.8037,151.0832
2024-04-09 18:48 M6.4 2.7094,127.0903
2024-04-09 09:02 M6.0 -1.6837,134.4404
2024-04-05 20:03 M6.8 19.0958,145.3600
cM = 6.61
s/a = 1.81
stp = 4 days, 11:30:09
avg = 2 days, 11:16:17
limit = 2024-04-30 12:46 !!!!!
lq = 102 km S of Banjar, Indonesia M6.1

<< M7 >>
2024-04-03 08:58 M7.4 23.8322,121.6044
2024-01-23 03:09 M7.0 41.2555,78.6538
2024-01-01 16:10 M7.5 37.4874,137.2710
2023-12-07 21:56 M7.1 -20.6152,169.3089
2023-12-02 23:37 M7.6 8.5266,126.4161
2023-11-08 13:53 M7.1 -6.4160,129.5466
2023-08-29 04:55 M7.1 -6.7888,116.5211
2023-07-16 15:48 M7.2 54.3926,-160.7620
2023-06-16 03:06 M7.2 -22.9936,-177.1067
2023-05-20 10:50 M7.1 -23.0421,170.5603
cM = 7.19
s/a = 0.82
stp = 29 days, 4:01:48
avg = 35 days, 10:27:28
limit = 2024-05-08 19:25
lq = 16 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan M7.4

ゲージは次におきる地震のマグニチュードの目安を示しています。The gauge shows a rough standard magninude for the next earthquake.儀表顯示了下一次地震的大致標準參考值。El medidor muestra una magnitud estándar aproximada para el próximo terremoto. // 30分毎に更新。Update every 30 minutes.每30分鐘更新一次。Actualiza cada 30 minutos.

Data : USGS FDSN Web Service
Map : USGS Latest Earthquakes

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